Saturday, September 24, 2016


Celebrity entertainment reporter & Raw Hollywood owner Virgil Wilson has decided to open up his life to the world. For the past 7 years he has helped to positively put the lives of celebrities on display for the enjoyment of their fans, but now he is telling his own story about his journey through life. While many people always see the glitz & glamour of the industry of entertainment, many do not realize the many struggles that those very people go through as they are making their way to the top. 

Virgil has released a documentary about his life entitled 'Behind The Dream: Trial & Triumph' & it recounts many of his memories where he was once bullied for being gay & the many times he didn't feel good enough. They say that life is but a dream, but is it really?

Watch the documentary below.

"You only get one life, 
you have to make it the best blockbuster hit you can make it" -Virgil

This past Thursday evening, Virgil was live on Facebook where he goes into detail on what exactly inspired him to film the documentary. While explaining the process of the production he encourages viewers to believe in themselves even when other people don't believe in you.

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