Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Yes, you heard that right, rapper Bobby Schmuda just gave an exclusive and no he is not out of prison just yet. He has been there since December 2014 and according the interview, he is not set to go to trial until September (it was supposed to be May 11, but it was moved back).  The rapper, who's real name is Ackquille Pollard, talks to 'GQ' about everything from his claim to fame, to being targeted by the NYPD, to seeing his childhood friend get killed. This interview definitely gave a little more insight on his side of things.

Pollard aka Bobby Schmuda is known for his hit track "Hot Ni**a" and making everybody do the Schmoney Dance, no matter how hard you tried not to. He talks about how he picked this song, along with "Schmoney Dance" to market to the world, spending just $300 to shoot the videos. "Hot Ni**a" got a lot of buzz once it was uploaded to YouTube and within 4 months of the video being uploaded, it caught the attention of an A&R rep by the name of Sha Money XL. The rest was history, and at that point Bobby Schmuda had been discovered!

The article/interview talked about the highs, as well as the lows. There were stories that he told that could almost bring you to tears. So much was discussed in the article, I wish I could touch on it all. 'GQ' also got a chance to speak with with Sha Money XL about his thoughts about whats going with Bobby and this jail stint. Check out more out the full interview here

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